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How Chemical Injection Systems Purify Your Water

If you have a well or live far from municipally treated water, you need to have your own water treatment system. With the right system, you can enjoy water free from impurities and unpleasant odors.

Impurities in Your Water

Although your water may look clear, a closer look may reveal that your water has the following impurities.


Many water sources have high levels of iron. Although this mineral can be good for you in small doses, excessive iron consumption can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and dehydration. Additionally, people with hemochromatosis have difficulty regulating iron absorption, so too much iron in drinking water could aggravate the condition.

Hydrogen Sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide is mineral that can create an unpleasant sulfur smell. But odor aside, hydrogen sulfide can have a laxative effect that leads to dehydration. Although some people acclimatize to hydrogen sulfide in their water, you may wish to have it removed to ensure your next glass is as pure and enjoyable as possible.


Most municipal sources eliminate the more harmful pathogens and bacteria. However, occasionally public treatment systems fail. Having an additional purifying system in your home can serve as an extra layer of protection against illness and disease.

Chemical Injection Systems

To eliminate these impurities, consider implementing the following systems for your personal water supply. These methods can often remove most contaminants that would otherwise put your health at risk.

Chlorine Injection

This system dispels iron, bacteria, and hydrogen sulfide. To do this, a chemical feed pump injects chlorine into the incoming water. From there, the chlorine undergoes a chemical reaction (oxidation) with the iron in the water to create rust. Sediment filters can then remove the rust, and carbon filters remove the remaining chlorine.

Furthermore, many systems come with a flow switch to give you the option of treating only in-home water. Features like this help you cut costs by saving chlorine for only drinking water.

Hydrogen Peroxide Injection

A hydrogen peroxide system uses many of the same principles as a chlorine injection system. A pump injects small amounts of the chemical into your water. But rather than using chlorine, this system uses hydrogen peroxide.

When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with iron in the water, they react to create ferric hydroxide floc. A carbon filter can then remove the floc and the remaining hydrogen peroxide from your water.

And as with the chlorine injection system, many hydrogen peroxide systems rely on flow switches so the chemical only treats the water you use in your home. Outside water remains untreated.

Maintenance for Injection Systems

All water filtration/purification system require some maintenance. Below are some simple steps to maintain a chemical injection system:

  • Keep tanks supplied with source water and the chosen chemical treatment
  • Flush chemical residue from the pump monthly
  • Clean and check the flow switch regularly, depending on your water impurity
  • Check and make a correct timer setting on the carbon filter
  • Change the carbon filter when it becomes exhausted, usually between 1-3 years
  • Clean and maintain the pump injection point

If you can’t maintain the system yourself, many water treatment professionals can perform these tasks for you.

Consult a Professional

When you install and maintain these purification systems, you can enjoy clean, fresh water whenever you need it. Keep in mind that each purification system has its own unique benefits, so consult an expert about which one works best for your situation. Your current water source, water needs, and budget should all play a role in picking a system.

If you have further questions about how these systems work, or if these systems are right for your home, contact your local water conditioning company.

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