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The Downsides of Hard Water: Insights from a Pentair Water Softening Company in Arlington Heights, Illinois

Pentair water softening company in Arlington Heights IllinoisMany people in the Arlington Heights area have heard about hard water. Many homeowners even have hard water running through their pipes. But the question is: what are the downsides of hard water?

Hard water comes with several negative characteristics. This Pentair water softening company in Arlington Heights, Illinois is going to explain them below.

It Can Harm Your Hair and Skin

The most glaring downside of hard water is the effect that it has on your hair and skin. Hard water is filled with calcium and magnesium particles that tends to dry hair and skin out. The particles cling to the body, causing blocked pores, and preventing the secretion of important body oils.

Because of this, the hair and skin can’t be properly moisturized. This leads to issues like acne, eczema, split ends, and the like.

If you want the healthiest hair and skin possible, you should speak to your local water softening company in Arlington Heights, Illinois about installing a Pentair water softener. Your softener will remove the calcium and magnesium from your water supply, ensuring that they can’t hurt your body.

It Can Destroy Your Water Pipes

Another potential downside to using hard water is the slow deterioration of your water pipes. Again, this has to do with the clinging of calcium and magnesium particles. This time, the particles cling to the interior walls of your water pipes.

Over time, this causes the pipe to narrow. As such, water has a harder and harder time making it through. After some time, this can lead to the complete blockage of the pipe, thus rendering it entirely useless.

If you want your pipes to last over the long haul, you need to install a Pentair water softener. Your local water softening company in Arlington Heights, Illinois can help you with the task.

It Can Do Harm to Your Water-based Appliances

Hard water can also be detrimental to your water-based appliances, including your dishwasher, washer, refrigerator, and more. Once again, the calcium and magnesium particles are the culprit, sticking to the internal mechanisms of said appliances and causing them undue wear and tear over time.

Hard water will not only cause water-based appliances to wear out before their time, but they’ll also make them less efficient, resulting in greater energy usage, and therefore more money spent.

A water softener can solve this problem. By removing calcium and magnesium from your water, it will take a great deal of stress off your water-based appliances.

It Can Result in Limescale Buildup

The greatest visual representation of hard water’s existence is limescale buildup. This is essentially an accumulation of white powder. It most typically shows up on water-based entities such as faucets, shower heads, and the like.

What does white powder have to do with hard water? It is literally the calcium and magnesium that exist within the hard water. Once the water evaporates, the particles are left behind, presenting themselves as this white, powdery substance.

Sick of seeing this white powder all over your house? The solution is simple. All you’ll have to do is install a Pentair water softener in your home. Your local Arlington Heights water softening company can help you with the process.

Looking for a Pentair Water Softener? Contact the Top-Rated Water Softening Company in Arlington Heights, Illinois.

Ready to install a Pentair water softener in your home? If so, and if you’re looking for the top-rated water softening company in Arlington Heights, Illinois, you have come to the right place. Johnson Water Conditioning can help.

Our crew has installed Pentair water softeners in countless homes around the Arlington Heights area, and we would be more than happy to work with you. Contact us now to learn how we can help.

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