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What Can Happen if You Don’t Have a Pentair Water Softener? Insights from a Water Softening Company in Des Plaines, Illinois

Pentair water softening company in Des Plaines IllinoisIn the Des Plaines area, hard water is an unavoidable reality. Those who live in the area either have to live with hard water or confront it head on. However, if you do not actively combat hard water, there could be some negative consequences.

Are you interested in Learning what could happen if you don’t install a Pentair water softener in your home? This water softening company in Des Plaines, Illinois going to discuss below.

You’ll Have to Contend with Limescale Buildup

A common consequence of not softening your hard water is having to contend with limescale buildup. Limescale is a substance consisting of calcium and magnesium particles. These particles arrive in hard water, remaining after it evaporates, and presenting themselves as a white and powdery substance.

You’ll most typically find limescale buildup on metal or dark water-based entities. These include things like sinks, shower heads, faucets, and the like.

Though limescale buildup is in no way harmful, it does drag down a home’s overall aesthetic. Therefore, if you want your home to look as good as possible, you can eliminate the buildup. You can do so by installing a Pentair water softener in your Des Plaines home.

Your Pipes Will Wear Out Before Their Time

Calcium and magnesium particles don’t just stick to faucets and sinks. They also stick to water pipes. Unfortunately, when they do this, they can cause seismic disturbances.

The more calcium and magnesium that end up inside of a water pipe over time, the less space that water will have to flow through the pipe. As a result, calcium and magnesium buildup can often result in reduced or restricted water pressure, thus eliminating the efficacy of the pipe.

Want your pipes to remain effective? You’ll have to get rid of the calcium and magnesium. You can do this by having your local Des Plaines, Illinois water softening company install a Pentair water softener in your home.

Your Skin and Hair Could Suffer

Perhaps the most noticeable effect of not softening your water is the effect that it will have on your skin and hair. Namely, it will dry your skin and hair out, leading to several issues, including acne, eczema, split ends, and more.

Again, this has to do with the clinging of calcium and magnesium particles. These particles cling to the skin and hair, clogging pores and drying out individual strands. As such, the body’s natural oils can’t perform their functions, leading to the above-reviewed problems.

The fix. is simple. You can have a reputable water softening company in Des Plaines, Illinois install a Pentair water softener for you. This will remove the calcium and magnesium from your water, thus keeping your hair healthy and moisturized.

You’ll Have Trouble Getting Soap Suds

When it comes to the development of soap suds, hard water doesn’t play nice. The calcium and magnesium particles restrict the chemical reaction between soap and water, keeping soap sud development to a minimum.

This is an issue, as soap suds are vital to cleaning. If your soap isn’t creating suds, you’re going to have trouble getting anything clean.

Fortunately, the water softener exists, and can remove the calcium and magnesium from your water supply. Once it does, you’ll have no trouble creating soap suds, and no issues with keeping things clean in your home.

Need a Pentair Water Softener? Contact the Most Trusted Water Softening Company in Des Plaines, Illinois.

As you can see, there are several negative consequences associated with hard water. With that said, if you live in the area, it’s highly recommended that you install a Pentair water softener in your home.

If you are ready to have a Pentair water softener installed by the most trusted water softening company in Des Plaines, Illinois, Johnson Water Conditioning is here to help. Contact us today to get started.

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