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How Do Water Softeners Work? Insights from a Roselle Water Purification Company

Water softening system at a house in Roselle, IllinoisYou may have heard a thing or two about water softeners. You might even have an idea as to what they do. However, you might be wondering: how do water softeners actually work?

Great question, and it’s one that this Roselle water purification company can answer. Below, we’re not only going to discuss the operation of the water softener, but a variety of other information related to water softeners as well.

How Do Water Softeners Work?

The operation of a water softener is based on a concept known as ion-exchange. This is a process where one set of ions is traded for another set of ions. In the case of the water softener, sodium ions are traded in exchange for calcium and magnesium ions.

The sodium ions are supplied by softener salt. This is a form of salt characterized by large pellets, which need to be dumped into the softener every month or two. Once in the system, the sodium ions derived from them cling to the resin beads within the system’s brine tank. This creates a sodium-dense environment.

As such, every time calcium and magnesium-filled water comes through the system, they are met with this sodium-dense environment. The sodium ions then enter the water supply, while the calcium and magnesium ions are pulled out.

The end result is, of course, soft water. The water is free of calcium and magnesium, and as a result, it doesn’t cause any of the problems that are commonly associated with these two minerals.

Water Softener Maintenance

Maintaining a water softener is a fairly straightforward process. Generally speaking, you’ll only need to add softener salt every six to eight weeks. This will keep the system running properly and produce the desired result.

It’s important to note, however, that water softeners can get dirty over time. Salt can build up within them, leading to blockages and dysfunction. As such, it’s important that you clean your water softener’s brine tank and resin tank from time to time.

The cleaner you can keep your water softener, the longer it will last. This is because cleaning it will help it operate more efficiently, removing stress from it over time.

What Benefits Do Water Softeners Provide?

Now, you might be curious about the benefits that a water softener can provide. Water softeners offer a variety of benefits, including the following:

Reduced Buildup

When hard water runs through your pipes and water-based appliances, calcium and magnesium can be left behind, resulting in buildup over time. A water softener will eliminate this buildup, thus making your pipes and water-based appliances more efficient.

Stress Off of the Skin and Hair

Calcium and magnesium are brutal on the skin and hair, causing eczema, acne, split ends, and a number of other issues. A water softener will remove calcium and magnesium from your water, taking great stress off of your skin and hair.

More Soap Suds

Calcium and magnesium interrupt the chemical reaction between soap and water, thus reducing the amount of soap suds that can be produced. By removing calcium and magnesium from your water supply, you will be able to produce more soap suds. This will allow you to clean more thoroughly overall.

Need the Help of a Water Softening or Water Purification Company in Roselle, Illinois?

Are you interested in installing a water softener? Need the help of a Roselle water purification company? If so, we here at Johnson Water Conditioning can help.

We’ve installed water softeners in a number of Roselle area homes. Our team of knowledgeable water purification experts would be happy to work with you as well. Contact us today to discuss your needs!

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